In line with its commitment to protect the marine environment and preserve the aesthetic appeal of Abu Dhabi’s waterfront and its islands, the Abu Dhabi Municipality, in collaboration with its partners, has launched a joint campaign to clean the water canal located between Al Zahiyah and Al Maryah Island.
The municipality stated that the objectives of the canal cleaning campaign include safeguarding fish stocks from waste that negatively impacts the marine environment and public health, while also enhancing the distinguished urban appearance of Abu Dhabi’s facilities, beaches, and waterfronts.
The campaign successfully removed over 3 tons of various waste from the canal, which was then transported to waste disposal sites by the Recycling Group, in accordance with best health practices and environmental requirements.
The Abu Dhabi Municipality expressed its sincere gratitude and appreciation to all strategic partners who contributed to the success of the campaign and the achievement of its environmental goals, including the National Guard, Abu Dhabi Civil Defense Authority, Community Policing (We Are All Police), Abu Dhabi Ports Group, Recycling Group, Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, Dubai Volunteer Diving, Ocean Diving Center, Al Awal Diving Center, Amity, and a group of volunteers.