Abu Dhabi City Municipality has made a significant leap in the number of digitally completed this year, with performance indicators showing that the municipality completed 248,967 transactions by mid-August 2024.
This continuous improvement in performance through digital tools reflects the municipality's use of best practices, flexible programs, and streamlined procedures via the "TAMM" platform, making the customer journey faster and easier. This was reflected in an increase in the rate of customers’ happiness and satisfaction with the municipality’s services, with the satisfaction rate exceeding 90% during the same period since the beginning of the year.
The municipality explained that the percentage of transactions completed using traditional methods remained around 1%, while the rate of digitally completed transactions increased to 99%.
The municipality also noted that 97% of transactions were completed within the specified time during the first half of the year.
Furthermore, Abu Dhabi City Municipality has enhanced its digital services by launching the "Temporary Structure Installation Permit for Outdoor Seating" service and the "Temporary Structure Installation Permit Renewal for Outdoor Seating" service.
Additionally, ten improvements were made to electronic services during the first half of 2024 to meet customer expectations, increase their happiness, and boost their satisfaction with municipal services.